Rahul Dogra

I build exceptional and accessible digital solutions for the web and mobile.


Back in 2020, I decided to try my hand at creating video games which somehow lead into the rabbit hole of coding and web development. Fast-forward today, and I've had the privilege of building software for a treasury solutions firm , a digital consultancy , a U.S. based client , and a U.S. based AI startup

My main focus these days is building product and leading front-end architecture for nSpire AI . In my free time I've also explore new technology releases in both Javascript and Golang ecosystem.

When I'm not working, I'm usually ice skating, hanging out with my friends and family, or grinding mmr in Dota 2 universe.


  1. 2023 - Present

    Developed and upgrading interactive core functionality of nSpire platform, including the UI and features around video/ audio recording and handling processing in the frontend.

    • React
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Webpack
    • Xstate
    • PWA
  2. 2022 - Present

    Deliver high-quality, rodust production code for a diverse array of projects for clients including Weframe, Quartiz, nSpire, and more.

    • React
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Go
    • Gofiber
    • Nodejs
    • Directus
    • Webpack
    • Xstate
    • Phaserjs
    • Bpmnjs
    • PWA
  3. 2022 - 2023

    Assist in defining scope, sizing of work and participate in proof of concept development for kick starting a new product for the company.

    • React
    • TypeScript
    • Go
    • Gofiber
  4. 2021 - 2022

    Deliver high-quality, robust production code for a diverse array of projects for company's clients. Provide contribution within engineering departement throught close collaboration, knowledge shares, and mentorship.

    • Nextjs
    • React
    • Phaserjs
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • Nodejs
    • Bpmnjs
  5. Feb — Sep 2021

    Developed, maintained, and shipped production code for company's cloud based applications. Worked with the UI team to engineer company's new website.

    • Angular
    • React
    • JavaScript
    • Php
    • Nodejs
    • MySQL
    • Webpack
    • Jenkins